The 6 Benefits Of Having A Part-Time Job At School


Being a student comes with a heavy price tag, which is why most students balance work alongside their studies.

Most students don’t think about the perks that come with having a part-time job while being a full-time student.

While working at school isn’t for everyone, being aware of some of the advantages you can tap into will help you decide whether or not you’re making the right decision.

Stable cash flow

Although obvious, this remains one of the greatest perks of working part-time while in school. Having a steady income allows you to pay off debts quicker, leaving you with less financial stress after graduation.  Students don’t realize how much little things cost while at school (like groceries, the odd beer, gas) and having an income helps you stay out of dipping into savings to buy the “extras”.

Skill development

Even though you may not think the skills you’re developing at a part-time job will be useful to your career, they can be! Part-time jobs teach skills every employer is looking for: commitment, time management, teamwork, leadership, organization, customer service – the list goes on! So put yourself out there. Your resume will thank you for it!

Get a break

During school, it’s easy to feel as though you’re in a bubble filled with classes, studying, projects, friends and late nights. It’s not a bad bubble to be in, but sometimes we all need a bit of a break from student life. Having a part-time job allows you to get out of the library or house and away from your roommates, giving you a much-needed break from the stressors of being a student.

Improve your grades

This might be surprising but it’s true! When your only commitment is your studies, you may think you have all the time in the world to finish school work. This may result in a less effective work ethic. Having a job forces you to manage your time and organize your tasks in a productive and effective manner. The amount of hours a student can handle varies, but for the most part, when employers hire on students they are aware that the priority is education and will work with you to make it a win-win situation.

Networking opportunities

Working a part-time job allows you to develop connections. You may get a great friend, reference, connection or even full-time job after school from committing to a sustainable number of hours each week!

Employee benefits

Depending on where your part-time job is, you may be eligible for benefits! Even if they’re not full health benefits, you may be eligible for staff discounts or perks. For instance, I had a friend who worked at a coffee shop while in school. She was privy to free caffeine during her entire student career (amazing)! Other benefits could include discounted tickets, food, merchandise and more!

By Meghan Greaves, is Canada’s leading job board and online career resource for college and university students and recent graduates.

Discussion1 Comment

  1. As you pointed out, a part-time job helps pay for daily living expenditures that quickly mount up for students, including food and transportation as well as entertainment and other needs.

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