4 Tips for Developing Confidence as a Student


Whether you’re in high school, university or graduate school, being a student can feel really overwhelming. Aside from the challenge of balancing classes, school work and a social life, student life is often weighed down by feelings of low self-worth.

Challenges with mental health and confidence are very common during our teen years and twenties, but they don’t get addressed enough. While the journey towards self-confidence is challenging and never-ending, there are some ways that we can shape our mindset now to improve our confidence in who we are and where we’re going.

Let’s take a look at some valuable tips inspired by self-love quotes from public figures to help you develop your confidence.

Greatness Takes Time

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”
— Beverly Sills, Operatic soprano

Have you ever sat in front of your computer screen struggling to complete an essay and felt yourself thinking, “Is it even worth it?” If so, you’re not alone. School assignments can take huge amounts of time, energy and focus and it can be really difficult to see the payoff while working on a project.

Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by an assignment, try to slow down, breathe, reflect on your capabilities and remember that success requires patience and hard work. You may not see it now, but someday you’ll look back at the effort you put into assignments like these and you’ll be grateful that you powered through them.

Your Path is Valid – Follow It

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”
— Jim Rohn, Entrepreneur

When in school, it’s tempting to conform to what those around us are doing. Some university  students change their major five or more times because they see their friends taking different paths. However, following other people’s dreams is destined to result in disappointment.

Take some time to get to know yourself better and craft a plan that fits who you are and what you love. Don’t worry about anyone else’s opinions – you know yourself better than anyone!

Be Kind to Yourself

“Say goodbye to your inner critic and take this pledge to be kinder to yourself and others.”
— Oprah Winfrey, Host & philanthropist

Throughout our lives, we internalize a lot of negative self-talk. That internal voice tends to become very active when we’re students, as we spend so much time comparing ourselves to others. Often, this unkind voice gets projected not only onto ourselves but also onto others, damaging our relationships

If you find that you are your biggest bully, it’s important to catch yourself in those thoughts and become aware of them. Find a therapist or a friend you trust and talk through your thoughts with them – chances are, they’ll know exactly what you’re dealing with and be able to help you be kinder to yourself. It might be outside your comfort zone to seek help, but sometimes it’s the best way to move toward self-love quickly.

Know Your Worth

“Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
— Eleanor Roosevelt, Former First Lady & Activist

It’s easy to put the responsibility for our own mental health and sense of self-worth into other people’s hands, but this only opens the door for us to get hurt. Also, it simply isn’t true!

Our self-worth comes from nobody except ourselves, and allowing someone to make us feel down is often due to our own low sense of self-worth. We have the responsibility to learn to love ourselves so much that others’ words become powerless.

Remember, the journey to confidence and self-love won’t be achieved overnight. It takes countless hours of awareness and practice. Hopefully these tips have inspired you to take your self-love journey to the next level so that you can feel more confident than ever.

Discussion17 Comments

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