Working In Australia: A Guide for Canadian Students


If you’re a Canadian student considering working in Australia, there are a few things you need to do for a smoother process. From obtaining the proper visas and work permits to understanding the cultural differences in the workplace, this guide will provide lots of great information on how to prepare to work in Australia.

What Courses Should A Canadian Student Take To Get A Job In Australia

While there is no guaranteed course or major that will lead to a job in Australia, certain fields are in demand and may offer more job opportunities. Here are a few fields that may be worth considering:

  1. Healthcare: Australia has a strong healthcare system and needs healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, mental health leaders, and allied health professionals. Consider accredited online MHL programs for transferable skills which will help you further your career in the land down under.
  2. Information Technology: Australia’s growing tech industry requires skilled workers in software engineering, data science, and cybersecurity.
  3. Engineering: Australia has a strong mining and resource industry and requires skilled civil, mechanical, and mining engineers.
  4. Education: Australia has a robust education system and is in need of teachers, especially in rural areas.
  5. Hospitality and Tourism: Australia has a growing tourism industry due to its popular destinations and is in need of workers in fields such as hospitality, tourism, and event management.

Job opportunities can vary by location, so do your research for the region of Australia you plan to work in. It’s also important to gain relevant work experience through internships, co-op programs, or volunteer work in your field of interest.

Visas and Work Permits

Canadian citizens will need a visa and a work permit to work in Australia, so you’ll need to get this in place before applying for a job. The type of visa will depend on the length of your stay and the kind of work you plan to do. There are several different types of visas available for Canadians who want to work in Australia:

  1. Working Holiday Visa: If you’re aged between 18 and 30, this visa will allow you to work and travel in Australia for up to 12 months.
  2. Skilled Worker Visa: This visa is for Canadians with skills in demand in Australia. To be eligible for this visa, you must have a job offer from an Australia-based employer.
  3. Employer-Sponsored Visa: This visa is for Canadians who have been sponsored by an Australian employer to work in Australia. To be eligible for this visa, you must have a job offer from an Australia-based employer.
  4. Business Visa: This visa is for Canadians who plan to start a business in Australia or invest in an existing Australian business.

To get the work visa, you must apply through the Australian government’s Department of Home Affairs website. The process can take several weeks or even months, so starting the application process well before your planned departure date is important.

Culture and Work Environment

The workplace culture in Australia is generally relaxed and informal, but it’s important to understand the cultural differences between Canada and Australia. Keep in mind the following:

  1. Punctuality: Australians tend to be more relaxed about punctuality than Canadians. However, it’s still important to be on time for meetings and appointments.
  2. Communication: Australians tend to be more direct and informal in their communication style than Canadians.
  3. Work-Life Balance: Australians value their work-life balance, and it’s not uncommon for employees to take time off for personal reasons.
  4. Dress Code: The Australian dress code is generally more casual, but it’s still important to dress appropriately for your workplace.
  5. Respect: Australians value respect and honesty. Treat your colleagues and superiors with respect and to be honest in your communication.

Finding Work

Finding work in Australia can be challenging, especially if you don’t have a job offer before you arrive. Here are a few tips to help you:

  1. Networking: Networking is key to finding work in Australia. Attend industry events and meet with people in your field.
  2. Job Boards: Job boards such as Seek and Indeed are a great way to search for job openings.
  3. Recruitment Agencies: Recruitment agencies can help you find job opportunities in your field.
  4. LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a great way to connect with people in your field and to find job openings.
  5. Volunteering: This is a great way to gain experience and make connections in your field.

Cost of Living

The cost of living in Australia is higher than in Canada, especially in cities like Sydney and Melbourne. Take note of these when it comes to the cost of living:

  1. Accommodation: The cost of rent can be high, especially in the bigger cities. Consider sharing accommodation with others to reduce costs.
  2. Transportation: Public transportation is generally reliable and affordable in Australia. Consider using public transportation to save on transportation costs.
  3. Food and Entertainment: Eating out and entertainment can also be expensive in Australia. Find deals and discounts to save money.
  4. Taxes: Australia has a progressive tax system, which means the more you earn, the more tax you pay. Be sure to budget for taxes when planning your expenses.


Australia has a public healthcare system called Medicare, which provides basic medical services to Australian residents. Canadians working in Australia may be eligible for Medicare, depending on their visa status. It’s important to check with the Department of Home Affairs to determine your eligibility.

If you’re not eligible for Medicare, you may need to purchase private health insurance. Private health insurance can be expensive, so shop around and compare prices.

Working Conditions

Working conditions in Australia are generally good, with a strong emphasis on work-life balance.

  1. Working Hours: The standard working week in Australia is 38 hours, although some industries may have different working hours. Overtime is generally paid at a higher rate.
  2. Annual Leave: Full-time employees will receive four weeks of annual leave per year, which can be taken in one block or split up throughout the year.
  3. Sick Leave: Full-time employees are entitled to 10 days of paid sick leave per year.
  4. Public Holidays: Australia has ten national public holidays per year, which are paid days off for full-time employees.
  5. Superannuation: Employers are required to contribute 9.5% of an employee’s salary to a superannuation fund, which is a retirement savings account.


Working in Australia can be a great opportunity for Canadians looking to gain experience, travel, and broaden their horizons. With the right visa and work permit, a good understanding of the culture and work environment, and knowledge of the cost of living and healthcare system, Canadians can have a successful and rewarding work experience in Australia.

Discussion9 Comments

  1. Ensure that you have the appropriate student visa that allows you to work in Australia. Student visas typically come with work conditions, Uno Online and you are usually allowed to work up to a specified number of hours per week during the academic semester and full-time during scheduled breaks.

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  3. Great guide for Canadian students aspiring to work in Australia. The breakdown of visa types industry insights and cultural nuances provides a comprehensive overview. Networking and early visa application seem crucial. valuable tips for a successful experience Down Under.
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  5. Depending on their visa status, Canadians employed in Australia may qualify for Medicare. It is crucial to verify their eligibility with the Department of Home Affairs.

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