Why You Should Consider Learning Spanish?


Spanish is the 4th most spoken language in the world

Why is it important to learn Spanish? After all, some native English-speakers don’t see the importance of learning another language. Isn’t English supposed to be the universal language? Yes and no. English is undoubtedly significant but, did you know that there are over 577 million Spanish-speakers worldwide.

Outside of the United States, which has the second-largest Spanish-speaking population in the world after Mexico, there are 20 Spanish-speaking countries, plus Puerto Rico. That’s a lot of options for study abroad and language immersion!

Study abroad and cultural immersion

Students and their intercambio (language-speaking) partners learning Spanish in Barcelona
Students and their intercambio (language-speaking) partners learning Spanish in Barcelona

If you’re considering studying abroad in a Spanish-speaking country, learning the language will help you integrate better into the local culture. You’ll be able to connect on a deeper level with the locals – including your host family, friends at university and people you meet in daily interactions.

Knowing the language will help you not just in the day-to-day activities like navigating the transit system, ordering a coffee and going food shopping, it will also give you a better understanding of the people and culture. You’ll have a much more meaningful study abroad experience overall!

Career & professional opportunities

Aside from enriching your study abroad experience, learning Spanish can be beneficial in many industries and careers after graduation – from business and healthcare to law, education, and social work.

In fact, 79% percent of North American recruiters cited Spanish as the additional language most in demand by employers. Make your resume competitive and stand out from the crowd by showcasing your language abilities in an increasingly competitive global economy.

Personal development

Students volunteering on a community project in Cuba
Students volunteering on a community project in Cuba

Learning another language is a humbling experience. It’s challenging, frequently frustrating, but can also be extremely rewarding.

If you can push through the process and make even small strides – like asking a local for directions in Spanish and understanding their response – celebrating these small wins will build your confidence and motivate you to keep going. Remember that learning a language is a marathon, not a sprint!

Plus, learning Spanish puts perspective on the people you meet who are also learning English. You’ll see the struggles they face while being able to relate the challenges of learning a new language.

Overall, learning Spanish can be immensely rewarding for your personal development but can also help you in future job prospects. In addition, if you’re looking to travel or study abroad, speaking at least some Spanish will open up the doors to 20+ Spanish-speaking countries and territories around the world. What are you waiting for?!

Contributed by:
Spanish Studies Abroad

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