Working in a Different City: Three Things You Need to Know Before Making the Leap


Relocating to a different city for work can seem daunting to say the least. But if you’re still in school or have recently graduated, it doesn’t have to be.

While there may be a myriad of considerations before making the leap, working outside of your city can add much value to your professional development. Here are a few benefits of relocating temporarily, and why you should consider doing it once in your lifetime:

It gets you out of your comfort zone

Immersing yourself in another city defies any previous assumptions you’ve had about the place, people, and the culture. It forces you to adjust your expectations, find new ways of interacting and collaborating with your coworkers, and it will shape you into a more well-rounded person and professional.

You can make impactful contributions

Moving to a smaller city means there are various areas for development, and your skills will be needed to help propel and organization forward. Likewise, the strategies you may already have when jumping from a small boat to a larger ship in a bigger city means you have the potential to contribute you creative problem-solving skills.

In any case, coming from the outside in can bolster a company or organization, as you will have different perspectives to offer that may not have sprung up initially.

It gives you a reason to travel and explore

You may never know unless you try, so now is the time to do it, rather than wonder your entire life. As a student, it’s the perfect time to plan this in between school terms. As you get older, this may become more difficult to achieve if you decide to start settling down with family commitments.

A change in environment will make you realize the things that you like and don’t like about a certain place, demographic, or work structure. It gives you a clearer focus about your professional endeavours, especially if you are still exploring your career options. Maybe being closer to home is important to you.
The efforts you put in from working outside
your own city can produce rewarding results
as you surprise yourself overcoming
challenging moments.

Contributed by:

Elizabeth Chan, is Canada’s leading job board
and online career resource for college and
university students and recent graduates.

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