What You’ll Gain by Attending a Study Abroad Fair


So you’ve heard the stats about how studying abroad makes you more employable. You’ve listened to stories of people who have loved their study abroad trips. You’ve been looking on pinterest for travel inspiration.

You know you want to study abroad.

So what’s next?

With the majority of universities favouring applications by domestic students, it’s important to do what you can to distinguish yourself from other applicants. Attending a study abroad fair is one way that you can do this. Here’s what you’ll gain by coming along to the Study and Go Abroad Fair:

You Will Narrow Down Your Options

The number of universities and programs to choose from can seem overwhelming. Speaking to representatives from different universities will give you a clearer idea of the best option for you. Some aspects of a university are difficult to discern from a website or prospectus, for example, the teaching style, the city’s nightlife, and which sports are most competitive. Speaking to people with first hand experience of the universities you are considering will help you discern whether a particular school or program will be a good fit for you.

You Will Make Connections

The university representatives at the fair will be looking to make connections with prospective students, who they will stay in contact with after the fairs. Lots of questions pop up over the course of an application, like which language test you need to take, how to convert your GPA to your prospective university’s grading system, and whether it’s a good idea to live on campus. Having an ‘insider’ who you can ask these questions is a huge advantage. This kind of connection will be vital for both your decision making and application process, and will likely help you break down the entry requirements and give you tips on how to make a strong application.

You Will Learn About Finances

Some people forego the opportunity to study abroad based on the idea that it’s too expensive. However, there are actually a ton of options for making study abroad more affordable, and often less expensive than studying in Canada.

For example, university is free in some countries, or significantly less expensive than Canada, even for international students! Even if you do wish to study at one of the more expensive schools, there are lots of scholarship options available to you. At the fairs, you can speak to experts in finding scholarships for study abroad programs, and learn about the fees and payment plans of different universities.

Pre-registration for the Study and Go Abroad Fairs to learn more about studying abroad, and make connections with university representatives and professors from around the world!

Discussion3 Comments

  1. My husband and I are teachers (I am also a guidance counselor- secondary) and we are interested in teaching abroad. We are bilingual (English/Spanish). We could teach Spanish, Health, Physical Education, Elementary Education, and I could also be a guidance counselor.

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